Thursday, 19 September 2013

Personal Injury Claim – Do’s and Don'ts

 Personal injury claims 
If you have suffered from a personal injury either because of negligence of third party or because of your own fault, you can certainly seek remuneration for the damage done. Besides this, if you are suffering from a disease because of the nature of work, for example like silicosis, asbestos's, deafness, or similar disorder, then also you are eligible for filing a Personal injury claim against the company you work for. However, the claim process is found to be very daunting as you already have so much to deal with. The information below will introduce you to the dos ad don'ts of  Personal injury claims procedure, which when followed would surely give your case the right direction so that you receive a desirable compensation faster.

See a doctor:
No sooner than you get injured, seek medical care without more ado. See a family physician or visit a nearby hospital to avoid worsening of the injury/injuries. Ask the doctor for a medical report stating a detailed description of the injuries sustained, as it plays a major role in deciding the compensation amount.
Inform the insurance company and the court.

Usually, the insurance claims come with a deadline. In addition, there is statute of limitation on the time period within which you must commence with the court proceedings. If you report the insurance company about the injury after the expiry of the time limit, you might have to settle at an undesirable amount or even lose on the claim, in worst. Moreover, if the court procedures do not begin within the specified time, you may be barred from taking any legal against the at-fault party. To avoid this kind of risk, make sure that you summon the insurance company about the mishap as soon as possible and start preparing for the legal proceedings.

Inform the Police and Collect Documents:
If your personal injury is a result of a motor vehicle, pedestrian, road traffic or any other form of accident, do not forget to inform the police. The police report is one of the most important documents you are required to furnish at the time of final settlement. Therefore, bring the incident to the notice of the police without much delay. If possible, try to arrange for photographs and videos of the place of accident for better explanation of the situation. Information like names and addresses of at-fault party and witnesses, if any, will make your case stronger.

Keep Receipts Ready:
In some case, you can ask compensation for anything that has taken a toll on your normal life, for example, physical pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment, lost wages, property damage, travelling and rehabilitation expenses, and many alike. Hence, keeping a track of all the expenses that the injury has cost you will help you in deciding fair reparation.

Seek Legal Consultation:
Consulting a personal injury lawyer is recommended because being a law professional they are completely aware of the steps to be executed in such situation. They are aware of the deadlines and the ways to dodge the tricks that insurance companies play to settle the claim amount to as low as possible.

 Do not discuss the scene with insurance adjuster:
It is crucial to note that the insurance companies do not work for the benefit of the clients, but rather strive for their own profits. They often send their agents to negotiate the claim amount. Hence, make sure that you do not discuss the incident if you are not only in your complete sense or in the absence of your Personal injury attorney; since the adjuster might manipulate your statement for own sake.


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